Friday, June 1, 2012

Hatfields and McCoys

Eric and I have been watching this mini series "The Hatfields and The McCoys". I have always heard about them for as long as I can remember. There are books, songs and even other movies about them. Some of the things they did to each other are just plain insane. I feel so bad for most of them. They got mad at each other over nothing at all. One of them could just look at he other the wrong way and they would be killed. Its just plain crazy and wrong. Not very many laws and rules back then either. Its pretty much fend for yourself way of life back then.

I'm so happy I never lived in the 1880's. I would not of been able to get along very well then. Luckily, I was born in the 1980's. A hundred years later. Call me spoiled, but I sure love the comfort of everything we have today, hot water, AC, Cars, TV and so much more.

If you have time, look up the show. Its a mini series with three parts. The History channel put it on. Each part is about two hours long. If you do end up watching it, please let me know what you think. I would love to hear other comments about the movie. 


  1. Sounds interesting! I'll have to check it out :)

  2. Sounds like the sort of programme that would upset me. I can't watch anything violent although my reading tastes call me a liar. I can read 'grisly' but not watch it. I'm going to ask hubby if he's seen it. Have a splendid weekend.
